When it comes to the healthcare industry, ransomware poses a severe concern. It is critical to safeguard crucial papers in order to safeguard patient files.
Cyber criminality poses a severe danger to the healthcare industry during the COVID-19 pandemic. Several incidents have been reported, ranging from gaining access to private data to altering health records. It might cost billions to strengthen and retrieve these files. As a result, it is preferable to take safeguards ahead of time. Keep the following ransomware avoidance methods in mind as you strive to secure your and your patient’s sensitive information.
Inbound Email Filtering
There are several email filtering systems available that may act as your first line of protection. Look for anti-spam, anti-virus, and anti-malware software or services that check and block spam, viruses, and other dangers in real-time, before they can cause havoc. Others utilize a Bayesian filter to detect and stop tailored spam emails, while some use artificial intelligence (AI) to keep up with emerging threats and adjust defenses. It’s also worth looking for a system that’s simple to use and customize using a web browser. Examine your selections, and if you haven’t already, set up a filter.
Make sure that your operating system, software, and apps are all up to date
Patches and updates are applied to software programs to address concerns such as security vulnerabilities. We recommend that you turn on auto-updates for all of your software and programs so that you get all of the latest software version updates automatically. Cybercriminals will uncover your software’s weaknesses with a piece of code if you don’t update it with the newest updates. This technique will allow them to infect your computer with ransomware or other infections.
Examine your security and firewall systems
Healthcare businesses must ensure that their endpoint security systems and firewalls are operating properly as more and more remotely linked devices—including IoT devices—present new potential threats. You must also ensure that these safeguards are enough to keep your data safe, compliant, and accessible at all times. It’s more critical than ever for firms with remote workers to connect to your network over a secure virtual private network (VPN).
It is necessary to educate people
Cybersecurity education should be a key component of your entire data security plan. Employees should be educated on how to recognize malicious emails, documents, and SMS messages. Make sure your kids comprehend that they should never click on a link or install an attachment from someone they don’t know. Also, make sure they have a thorough grasp of how to keep your data and gadgets safe.
Make sure your passwords are both strong and unique
We recommend that you use strong and unique passwords for each of your accounts. At least ten characters are preferable, with a combination of capital and lowercase letters, digits, and symbols. Hackers will have a more difficult time decoding your account this way, and you’ll be less subject to brute-force attempts. If your password is predictable and completely weak, your account will almost surely be hacked or sold on the dark web. Hackers can employ secondary assaults in addition to brute force attacks to get access to the network where the ransomware will be placed.
Regularly back up your data
Being prepared is the greatest approach to avoiding the consequences of a ransomware assault. That includes regularly backing up your data and copying copies to an offsite location as well as the cloud. For more information, see StorageCraft’s unique take on the conventional 3-2-1 backup rule. Make sure your backup solution can achieve your recovery point goal (RPO) and recovery time target (RTO).
You Can Count on The Cloud
One of the cornerstones of a strong backup plan is cloud storage, which provides quick access to faraway data. Cloud storage may be less expensive than on-premises storage while also providing an extra degree of security. Even if cloud-based data can be attacked with ransomware if it’s uploaded with a backup, good backup methods are still recommended. You can fend off almost any attack.
Be proactive in your approach
Even if you use all of these measures to defend yourself from ransomware, you may still be a victim of a successful assault. That’s where forethought comes into play. You can swiftly recover with minimum harm if you have the correct gear, software, and best practices in place. We believe it is past time for every healthcare business to undergo a thorough security audit to verify that they have a strong security posture capable of withstanding even the most sophisticated ransomware assaults.
Know everything there is to know about your network
What are the hardware and software assets in your network? Keeping track of every device and application on your network might assist you in identifying the infected system and isolating it as soon as possible to prevent the ransomware from spreading further. This method will also make it easier for you to maintain your hardware and software up to date.
Keep an eye out for threats and unusual behavior
To avoid ransomware, constant monitoring is also essential. Anti-virus, backup, and cyber security knowledge are all important first steps in the battle against ransomware. Together with your IT staff, develop an incident response strategy. Determine the best course of action to take if your company is the victim of a cyberattack to limit the damage. Use monitoring tools and scanners regularly to check for any latent malware lurking on your system, ready to attack.