Healthtech summits occurring across the world emphasize the applications of robotics in healthcare
Enthusiastic and inquisitive healthcare professionals are significantly excited for healthtech summits taking place around the world. Perhaps when it is about rapidly evolving technologies influencing healthcare operations like robotics in healthcare. Lately, the introduction of artificial intelligence has considerably fueled surgical robots and other robotic applications in the healthcare industry. Thus, concerns relating to the future of healthcare and scrutinization of past healthtech events are analysed in these healthtech summits. Here are some of the most helpful healthtech summits listed that cordially invite healthcare enthusiasts to join.
Healthcare Robotics and Engineering Forum
Opened for the engineering community, the healthtech summit is more of an Expo where attendees can have a hands-on experience over the newly invented technologies of robotics in healthcare. Scheduled to happen on 10th and 11th May 2022 at Boston Convention and Exhibition Centre. Aspirants of the subject are also inspired here with peer-networking opportunities and guidance on how to develop commercial robotics in healthcare.
International Conference on Healthcare Robotics and Robot-assisted surgery
Scheduled to be hosted by Tokyo, Japan on 9th June 2022 where researchers, scientists, healthcare professionals are going to share their experiences of robotics in healthcare. Academic researchers are provided with the opportunity to come forward with their research results. Challenges and solutions to them are discussed related to the field of healthcare robotics and surgical robots. Register to attend this event on this link.
International Conference on Healthcare Robotics, Advantages and Limitations
The advantages and limitations of robotics in healthcare are diligently discussed in these two days conference taking place on 9th and 10th of June, 2022 in Barcelona, Spain. Authors from various aspects of robotics in healthcare are considered to grace the occasion by their presentation of their research papers. Registrations for this healthtech summit are opened here.
International Conference on Healthcare Robotics and Engineering Applications
Planned to occur on the 16th and 17th of June, 2022 in Montreal, Canada. Find out the guidelines to be eligible to attend this healthtech summit and embark on it. The summit extends a discussion forum for healthcare professionals from all over the world willing to introduce innovations in the field of artificial intelligence and robotics in healthcare.
International Conference on Diagnostic Robots
As telemedicine is on the rise, more convenient forms of healthcare services are contemplated in the near future, with respect to that healthcare professionals and researchers actively participate in this healthtech summit. This implies involvement in the most conclusive discussions on robotics in healthcare. On June, 16th and 17th healthcare enthusiasts are cordially invited to attend this summit occurring in Montreal Canada over the digital media.
International Conference on Healthcare Robotics and Rehabilitation
Rehabilitations of patients affected by bone injuries, nervous breakdown or other impairing diseases have largely improved by robotics in healthcare powered by artificial intelligence. The interdisciplinary field of artificial intelligence and robotics in healthcare are the prime topic in this healthtech summit attended by researchers eager to present their papers. Scheduled on 8th and 9th of August in 2022 in Lagos, Nigeria, currently, registrations are going on.
International Conference on Healthcare Robotics and Technological Perspective
The capital city of Italy is entitled to host this healthtech summit on 16th and 17th September, which is exclusively an in-person mode of arrangement. The summit aims to bring together healthcare providers, healthcare professionals and technology experts to bridge the gap between technological innovations and requirements in healthtech. Moreover, this is also considered from the perspective of creating new healthtech systems in the presence of both fields of experts.
International Conference on Healthcare Robotics and Medical Applications
Educators, learners and to-be healthcare professionals are expected to find this immensely helpful and insightful as they attend this conference. Presentations are initiated by prominent healthcare academicians over how medical applications these days are influenced by robotics in healthcare. Taking place in Amsterdam, the Netherlands on 16th and 17th September 2022, register early to step into an in-person healthtech summit.
International Conference on Healthcare Robotics Practical Experimentation
The healthtech summit extends the opportunity to try a hand-on over new innovations while more new results of the research are disclosed. Scheduled to happen on the 20th and 21st of September, 2022 in Lisbon, Portugal. Check out the registration fees and event details at this link.
International Conference on Healthcare Robotics and Assistance
Assessing the current landscape of robotic assistance in healthcare and conceptualizing the future of robotics in healthcare are discussed by healthcare professionals attending from across the world. Surgical robots and other such applications are re-considered on the recorded challenges for the last year in New York, US on 7th and 8th October.
International Conference on Advantages of Healthcare Robotics
The positive side of robotics in healthcare is widely acknowledged in this healthtech summit along with the manifestation of embracing results of healthcare professionals who have conducted research on the concern. Arrive on this forum on the 1st and 2nd of December in Auckland New Zealand. Attend this awareness among the healthcare industry to integrate the technology by registering here.