Top 10 healthcare martech trends of 2021 throwing prosperity to the healthcare industry
Assisted by various healthtech applications, the healthcare industry is immensely finding ways to personalise healthcare martech. Marketing technologies involved in healthcare awareness of new innovations in accessing healthcare benefits are influencing the public in the recent past quite a lot more. Gone are the days when the healthcare industry was striving to place their marketing strategies in place given the necessity and immediate requirements of the people. The healthcare martech appears to be thriving over the digital media like a crown as the technological disruption has introduced enormous valuable mediums to reach out to the target audience.
Following SEO Standard
SEO observes human behaviour and adapts to that from time to time. Thus, value a webpage when it is embedded with helpful and relevant information. In the case of healthcare martech optimising the website to load faster and appear user-friendly is highly recommended by the SEO. To list in the first page rankings of SEO, keyword strategies must be in place and webpages must be semantic.
Automated computerised responses to the public based on their interaction with healthcare data. Internet users are susceptible to persuasion and agreement and automated software help them to realize a disease they were not aware of. This enables them to seek prescriptions and in turn generate leads.
AI-Powered Chatbots
With AI technologies mining tremendous quantities of healthcare data, intelligent responses to patient interrogation are facilitated. Two-way communication has always been the key for marketing and thus, AI chatbots are optimized to answer every concern of the patient and a prospective healthcare beneficiary. The chatbots are devised to recognise a diversified human population such as language distinction. Implying a healthcare martech that indiscriminately performs impeccable customer service.
Often Telehealth is determined as the top endorser of the healthtech services during the pandemic, which prevented people from suffering from illnesses at home. Expanding the reach of healthcare services to remote locations have increased scopes for healthcare martech to be more convincing heights. A large proportion of the population today tends to incline towards telehealth because it helps in digital appointment reminders, HIPAA-compliant live chat, virtual assistant and more.
The rise of healthtech has introduced personalised healthcare services to the patients. The personalisation features are increasingly adopted by the healthcare martech to commercialise the healthcare services to individual demands. Moreover, personalised healthcare marketing is in accordance with the healthcare privacy of each individual. Sometimes the patients are offered healthtech services at their individual level where they enter their personal information which is not even accessible to the owner of the software. It just assists the user to improve their browsing experience and receive services.
Healthcare Consumerisation
Enabling consumers to acquire healthcare services that weigh equal to their money is essential for healthcare martech. When healthcare awareness is initiated keeping in mind the benefits that are available to people, they are leveraged in a way that healthcare consumers find reasonable. For example, extending pathology services and direct communication with doctors through intelligent portals. Thus, healthcare consumerisation aims at renouncing inconvenient patient experiences like waiting for long hours, bearing crowd etc.
Website Optimisation
The users are often allured to a specific health organisation by their website interface that facilitates the healthcare seeker to operate it conveniently. Multiple healthcare websites are filled with pictures and information but not user friendly or have no demonstration of how to use them. An engaging website is one of the most significant parts of the healthcare martech. To create one, it is necessary that the structure is navigable, supports access of all types of devices, content is appropriate and design is impressive 24/7 accessibility and chatbot.
Healthcare Martech Team
Usually, when a team is assigned the work of a particular field rather than a comprehensive one then they tend to perform at their optimum. Therefore, recruiting a separate healthcare martech team ensures that not only marketing has been done successfully but also how can they improve and adopt new innovations in marketing technologies.
Conversion Rating Optimisation is leveraging the rate at which the users interact with the respective website content. When a scroller avail service from the website, it yields revenue and is called a conversion. Controlling this behaviour of the users through the help of CRO can be immensely profitable. Embedding call to action buttons is one of the most helpful features of CRO.
Healthcare Awareness
Only inventing new technologies is not enough, educating people about the innovation in order to procure their compliance is important. There are multiple healthtech solutions that are not yet known to a lot of patients. Strategical healthcare awareness to draw the attention of healthcare consumers. This includes assisting the patient throughout their journey of accessing a healthcare treatment such as introducing new technology, shaping their decision to availing the service and getting cured.