Top 10 healthtech stocks that will make an investment in healthtech affordable in February 2022
Investors globally are taking a massive interest in healthtech stocks because of their promising future in the healthtech industry. Healthtech companies are emerging each day with innovative ideas, which is drawing significant investment in healthtech. The healthcare industry has come a long way from inaccessibility in remote locations to penetrating telehealth services to every corner of the world. Here are some insights about a few healthtech companies shaping Healthtech in February 2022 and are feasible for the stock market investors to look forward to.
Acorda Therapeutics
With a market capitalization of USD 24.1 Million, the healthtech stock is constantly assuming great support from the investors. Attempting to develop therapies that can control the neurological impairment caused by Parkinson’s disease and other nervous disorders.
9 Meters Biopharma
Although the company is still at a preliminary phase of developing therapies that are said to break the record for other therapies that exist for digestive diseases. By studying unique GI biology, the healthtech company tends to discover a pioneering treatment that can cure a rare kind of digestive disorder. The market value captured by this healthtech stock is USD 174.3 Million.
22nd Century Group
The biotechnology company is leading in the forefront with a market capitalization of USD 397.1 Million raising the bar for the growing healthtech companies in the healthtech stock market. The plant-based biotechnology company involves in modifying the levels of different substances present in specific plants. They carry out this activity using gene-editing techniques that images plant breeding.
4D Molecular Therapeutics
At a market value of USD 481.1 Million, this healthtech stock is setting an example in the field of gene therapeutic products. Besides, developing and manufacturing, the healthtech company also monetizes the transformative gene treatments dedicated to severe medical conditions that are yet to assume a cure and prevention.
The California-based public healthtech company is known for its novel concept of direct-to-consumer genetic testing. The consumers are provided with the genomic results that decipher the kind of diseases they are vulnerable to owing to their ancestral anatomical behavior. A market value of USD 1 Billion is devoted to this healthtech stock.
10x Genomics Inc.
One of the top five companies in the list of healthtech stocks that is worth a market capitalization of USD 7.3 Billion. The USA-based healthtech company focuses on gene sequencing technology that helps advance medical research objectives concerning genomic reactions and structures. The healthtech company was established in 2012, although not long ago but have significantly excelled through these years in the healthtech industry.
ACADIA Pharmaceuticals
Known for their popular drug named “Nuplazid”, which is empowered to improve memory, and cognitive capabilities in human brain cells. The California-based healthtech company is valued at USD 4.3 Billion in the biopharmaceutical industry.
Adagio Therapeutics
At present, thriving in the endeavor to challenge the Covid-19 pandemic by introducing antibody-based treatments for the sufferers of the disease. The vision expands up to any viral potential that can pose a threat to population health. The market capitalization stands at USD 773 Million among other healthtech stocks.
Adicet Bio
Publicly owned biotech company based in the US adopting significant research in the field of cancer treatment to overcome numerous challenges that come in the way of curing the disease. The market value associated with the healthtech company is USD 481.6 Million.
Being the most pocket-friendly investment in healthtech, this healthtech stock is valued at a market capitalization of USD 17.5 Million. With the help of technological platforms, the healthtech company resolves to develop and commercialize immunotherapies. The US-based company is headquartered in Princeton and one of the oldest in the healthtech industry with the founding year being 1987.