Healthcare Why it is High Time for the Healthcare Industry to Adopt HR Tech Solutions? Adoption of HR tech solutions is the demand of the healthcare industry The whole panorama ...
Healthcare NFT in Healthcare: How Patients Could Monetise Their Health Data A big profit to patients: NFTs in healthcare with which they can monetize their health ...
Healthcare Why Start-ups are Using Microsoft Technology to Empower Mental Healthcare? Mental health is one of the most crucial topics these days. Know how start-ups are ...
Healthcare Top 10 Risks of IoT in Medicine and Healthcare to Watch in 2022 IoT is playing a vital role in healthcare as it contains most of the latest ...
Datascience Top 7 Best Data Science Case studies in Healthcare to read in 2022 The reason why we need data science is the ability to process and interpret data. ...
Healthcare Private Sector is Willing to Protect Online Health Privacy, But Can You Trust it? There are various reasons for placing a high value on protecting online health privacy. The ...
Healthcare Lifelike Medical Robot Actually Bleeds: Only Created to Suffer? Medical robots bleed, and thus a question arises: are they made to suffer? Pediatric HAL ...
Healthcare Not Leveraging Data Analytics on Time will cost Indian Healthcare Industry Money and Lives Data analytics is the base of the healthcare industry and if not taken care of ...
Healthcare Drones to Data: India turns to Healthtech to Lighten Pressure Digital Health and Drones in healthcare used to lighten the pressure on healthtech in India ...
Healthcare How Operational Analytics Proves to be Beneficial for Healthcare Industry? Operational Analytics or data analytics is providing to be very beneficial to the healthcare industry ...