Medical drones in India can potentially alleviate the healthcare supply’s inaccessibility
Integration of drone technology in the healthcare industry across the world has appeared to be extremely fruitful. While drone technologies have lately been commonly known for capturing aerial views and other videography techniques, drone delivery is also considered an emerging phenomenon after certain successful experiments. Medical drones are making inroads into Indian healthcare to facilitate the distribution of healthcare supplies like vaccines, though options for land transport are not limited in India. Various other medical delivery equipment is considered to be delivered through medical drones in India as the oversaturated population often hinders traffic that delays the timely reach. Unlike other forms of delivery routes, medical drones can reach the interiors of India more accurately.
Inventory Management
Medical drones in India can tremendously boost the efficiency of the medical supply chain. Out-of-stock instances can be immediately restored once the drone delivery is in place as limited resources can be carried by drones rapidly. Traditionally, a long wait for medical supplies is followed because of the large bulk of orders that are placed, this stagnates the pharmaceutical market, thus, without refusing the customers immediate orders of small quantity can be assured at least to avert worsening of medical conditions. The Indian healthcare industry is plagued with lingering patient care facilities, one of them being drug unavailability, which can be overcome by drone technology.
Drone Technology At Work
Above 60 percent of Indians residing in the rural areas with insufficient transport infrastructure comes as a serious concern for the healthcare industry as treatments are delayed especially during emergency cases. Within 30 minutes of messaging or ordering medical products, medical drones will deliver them to the right owner. Drones are remotely controlled by operators with the assistance of GPS, drone technology takes to the air and the sky to travel. On reaching the point, either they release a parachute from above or itself descends down to a zone designated for it. Medical drones in India as well as other countries like Africa have contributed significantly towards the vaccine drive against the Covid-19 pandemic. Locations that were near to impossible of reaching and were causing anxiety the Indian healthcare are adequately served through medical drones.
Drones During Curfews
Due to the ongoing pandemic, repeated lockdowns, night curfews, suspension of flights, and various other vehicles were and are witnessed and nobody knows how long is it going to occur and resume. These cut off in transportation adversely affect the healthcare supply chain, therefore, adopting drone technology can significantly alleviate the disruptions caused by the havoc. Also, in terms of Covid-19 vaccines, equal distribution across the world can only happen with countries sharing it with one another. Thus to maintain ties and help allied nations, it can be a great opportunity if medical drones in India are also involved in the international delivery of vaccines.
Mainstream Procurement
As drone technology continues to exist irrespective of official recognition by Indian healthcare, it is also expected that an increased rate of integration can lead to a cheaper availability of the application. However, a mainstream adoption can inspire emerging tech entrepreneurs to innovate specific features for medical drones in India that can also be credited around the world. Besides, observations and research also have to say that drones in the foreseeable future might be automated, which would replace the human in the loop of drone technology and independent drones will carry out delivery tasks with pre-mentioned commands or algorithms. This will track down, long hours of waiting, human labour, and galleons of rupees into the planning and implementation of large projects concerning shipments.