Millions of lives are saved at collapsing moments by the medical delivery drones lubricating healthtech
The efficiency of drones in delivering supplies and reaching unattainable locations is widely integrated by the healthtech. Subsequently, medical delivery drones are assuming greater acceptance as they continue saving lives that were otherwise impossible. The phenomenon of remote healthcare is immensely revitalized by incorporating drones in healthcare. Delivering healthcare supplies to the immediate seekers of it is the punctuality healthcare aims at. This is further implemented by the medical delivery drone.
Facilitating healthcare supplies through medical delivery drones is indeed stimulating telehealth and healthcare artificial intelligence. Recognizing a disease through telehealth and initiating the drugs or medicines through medical delivery drones together makes the objectives of healthtech be served. Long-distance commute leads to delay in treatments and various other life-saving therapies that could have been extended to halt a preventable death, drones in healthcare exclusively submit themselves to fulfil these purposes.
Exemplifying Africa
A comparatively developed nation of the continent, namely Botswana has experienced a doubling death in new-born babies in 2019. This occurred due to the insufficient supply of emergency healthcare supplies for maternal needs. The sparse population and unreachable locations contribute as factors to this tragedy. However, the medical supply drones in Botswana, that were launched by Botswana International University of Science and Technology in collaboration with the Dutch drone developing company, Avy has decreased the vulnerability by 65%. Initially started with a few towns, eventually deployed across the country to reduce the time taken along the distance.
Commitment to Covid-19 Vaccine
As per the current norms and existing cures, it is a necessity to administer the covid vaccine to each and every one of the populations. Therefore, Governments across the globe cannot risk missing out on any community or group of people with the vaccine. Medical drone delivery of covid vaccines in the north-eastern region of India has been initiated by the Indian Government to secure country-wide success in inoculation of the vaccine. Some areas in north-eastern India are susceptible to natural disasters and hence possess tough terrains to be accessed by affordable sources.
Drones for Relief
Providing health supplies through medical drone deliveries in areas that have been affected by natural calamities has become a favourable practice. Survival tools and needs are transported through medical drone delivery to the survivors of nature’s agony. The reach becomes heavily hindered and affording helicopters is not possible for every philanthropist, thus drones are seen as an attainable source.
Extending Hope to Tanzanians
Another African country endowed with an island district of Ukerewe was enormously affected by its location. The long hours taken to cross ferry journeys are renounced by the numerous drones occupying the district’s sky. Emergency healthcare was not an option for them until the fortune brought to them by the medical drone delivery. Blood samples, blood units, medications, and other healthcare supplies without which a healthcare system will lose its value are recently transported to them in the light of their grievingly miserable condition. The nearest medical centre is also more than a hundred miles away which is unlikely to be reached out for emergency aid in terms of healthcare supplies.
Assisting Rescue Operations Team
At the time of disasters, navigating and mapping out the area of concern is carried out efficiently and through risk-free operations. Otherwise, the human lives dedicated to rescuing teams are threatened as they go for a frisk in the detrimental regions. With the help of drones, identifying the locations needed to address becomes easier and time-saving as well as facilitates immediacy.