Most common drawbacks of blockchain in healthcare call for greater blockchain awareness
Blockchain technology has to be the safest of all options for healthcare data, the degree of security and rigidity followed by them are beyond praise. Although the benefits outperform the drawbacks, it is also crucial to note the prevailing atmosphere revolving around the blockchain in healthcare that can obstruct the way to successful blockchain technology. However, every comfort offered has certain shortcomings. Similarly, blockchain in healthcare is also subjected to reassessment. To increase blockchain awareness, drawbacks of blockchain are listed here. This will help healthtech to reconsider and reform certain features that are troublesome. A robust technology like blockchain must be coherent and clear so that the industry is spared from gross mistakes to have undertaken.
Government Disagreement
As far as the adoption of blockchain in healthcare is concerned, it must be evenly distributed across the healthcare industry. This remains to be highly doubted as governments across the world are not on a consensus yet. Moreover, internal change in the government of a particular country is also a challenge because if one allows blockchain technology, the succeeding one might not. This creates a huge gap between the sharing of data and storage that could have been used by the healthcare industry at large to improve healthcare. This gap is also not credible as half information is equal to harmful information. Half known facts can result in flawed research or the administration of a prescription.
Unproven Predicament
As the healthcare industry turns out to be the busiest of all other industries, it is nothing unusual to believe that emphasis will barely be given to placemen of blockchain in healthcare. Almost every healthcare provider is occupied with one or more emergency cases, this prevents them from attending technological advancements. Thus, adoption remains pending as reluctance grows around approving blockchain in healthcare. Subsequently, only a few organizations as of yet have adopted the blockchain technology and others still lack blockchain awareness.
Abrupt and Subtle Shift
The electronic healthcare record is still not integrated and accepted by the healthcare providers which is leading to incompletely uploaded data on the blockchain in healthcare. To get accustomed to digital records, healthcare providers will have to thoroughly understand blockchain awareness and its benefits. However, even after realizing the benefits, it will take a long time to set up the environment for giving and receiving e-prescription both by doctors and patients. Therefore, this hinders the adoption of blockchain in healthcare.
Absence of Governance
Managing the entire data record is not a simple task, as healthcare is present across the world, nobody can practice command over it because of its decentralized nature. thus, organizations face dissent when they approach people to manage a certain duty in the blockchain technology in their favor. Therefore, issues stirring over the blockchain in healthcare remain unresolved.
Usage Of Distinct Systems
Record keeping in the healthcare industry happens in varied ways. Different healthcare organizations perform different types of storage practices. It is extremely challenging to dissolve the existing system and adopt a new one. On the other hand not adopting a single system to store data is also leading to scattered and fragmented information being accessed. The resistance is one of the major reasons for blockchain to be insufficient in its cause.
Self-Centred Players
Numerous entities are not willing to share their possession of data as they believe their share of profit would be impaired. Hospitals and healthcare insurance companies are some examples of this. Not dispersing data from their end gives a competitive advantage and thus, a sense of unity lacks. Sometimes this tendency leads to the hindrance of certain helpful inventions