How technology-based mental health interventions are used in the healthcare industry?
A significant number of university students are disabled due to mental health conditions. However, there aren’t many resources at many universities to help students’ mental health. Technology-based interventions for mental health conditions may be particularly useful for university populations. Tertiary students’ substance use and eating disorders have been the focus of previous reviews. However, there has been no evaluation of the efficacy of technology-based mental health interventions for other mental health conditions and issues related to them.
Technology-based mental health interventions can be provided by devices like mobile phones, computers, and the internet. These technology-based interventions can provide a regular point of contact with professionals, remind patients to take their medications, and brain training exercises that help alleviate the symptoms of various mental health disorders.
In general, mental health conditions are becoming an increasingly common problem. Over 15% of people over the age of 60 suffer from some kind of mental health disorder, and both improved life expectancy and end-of-life diseases like Alzheimer’s and dementia are associated with mental health disorders.
Technology-based interventions for mental health conditions like depression and anxiety have been reviewed in the general population and found to be effective for treating common mental health conditions with moderate to large effect sizes. However, there have been no systematic reviews that have specifically examined the efficacy of the Internet or other technology-based mental health interventions for university students, except for eating disorders and substance abuse. This article will talk about some of the technology-based intervention tools that doctors can use to track symptom expression and behavioral change, medication response, and the progression of mental health disorders, as well as those that could be used directly as therapeutic agents.
University students have a high risk of mental health conditions like anxiety, depression, and stress because of the pressures they face in school and in their social lives. The student may be required to seek additional assistance, despite the fact that the majority of universities offer various forms of assistance to their students. Compared to traditional therapies, technology-based mental health interventions can provide a passive means for individuals with mental health disorders to seek assistance in a more discrete manner.
When looking for medical advice, younger people frequently turn to online sources. Online counseling can be a great first step in mental health triage, allowing for the referral of more serious cases to more traditional mental health services.
Despite the fact that technology-based mental health interventions have been found to be effective in encouraging patient compliance and reporting, a significant portion of people who are afflicted with mental health disorders rarely engage in online activity and do not frequently use devices such as tablets or smartphones.
However, programs that provide older adults with sufficient instruction and training in the use of technology-based interventions for mental health disorders have demonstrated significant success in increasing engagement. Technology-based mental health interventions for older adults could have huge benefits, allowing people in remote communities to get regular mental health care without having to travel.
In addition to virtual counseling, a straightforward technology-based mental health intervention in the form of alarms and reminders may also be helpful to seniors in promoting healthy medication and lifestyle management.
Technology-based interventions make it possible to improve patient conditions and monitor patient compliance. Those who receive assistance from social services can take advantage of many of the previously mentioned advantages, particularly the opportunity for improved remote communication.
However, mental health disorder diagnosis and treatment may also benefit from technology-based interventions. As a technology-based intervention that social workers can use and monitor, virtual reality and other interactive experiences have successfully treated depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, and a number of other mental health conditions.
Technology-based interventions are getting momentum in mental health. However, these assessments must be applied with special care to the elderly. Technology-based mental health interventions rely heavily on multiple aspects of cognitive processing.