Femtech in Indian Healthcare to remove women’s health issues: digitalization, gender and health
Femtech in Indian healthcare refers primarily to consumer-focused, tech-enabled solutions for women’s health, excluding biopharma and established medical devices.
By 2026, the femtech in Indian healthcare is expected to be worth 71 billion dollars, and the health ecosystem as a whole will be significantly more digitalized. The manner in which femtech reaches women in India across regions and becomes the primary vehicle for healthcare will experience a sharp and accelerated growth over the next three to five years
what exactly is Femtech in Indian healthcare?
Diagnostic tools, products, services, wearable, and software that use technology to address women’s health issues like menstruation, reproductive health, sexual health, maternal health, and menopause are referred to as femtech. Women’s health is a hugely underserved, underdiagnosed, and underfunded segment in Indian healthcare, making gender inequality a real problem. Despite the fact that women make up half of the world’s population, Indian healthcare has not prioritized women’s health.
Femtech in Indian healthcare has a lot of potential as a way to make women’s healthcare in India more equal. Additionally, femintech companies offer products for general health conditions like osteoporosis, which affect women more than men or differently than men.
Digitalization with femtech in Indian healthcare.
The two stages of women’s health that are traditionally celebrated the most are puberty and pregnancy. However, aside from these two milestones, the majority of women have had little or no easy access to healthcare and hygiene tools.
By putting power in the hands of women through a mobile device, technology is reducing the barriers of distance, information, and accessibility and contributing to the widespread movement for women’s health.
We are now seeing ladies of all age gatherings, from young people to a ways into their 60s, involving computerized gadgets as their essential channel of looking for help, be it medical care or wares.We are witnessing this digitalization technology reaching women in both large and small cities.Every day, women from all over the world call to ask for help and advice, and they get it from wherever they are.Femtech and digitalization definitely make nearly 70% of Indian healthcare and preventive assistance accessible.
Gender discrimination in Indian healthcare
According to studies, women’s reproductive health issues are particularly affected by Gender discrimination in Indian healthcare. The majority of infertility treatments focus on getting the woman tested and going through rigorous treatments. According to a number of studies in the field of infertility, there is Gender discrimination in Indian healthcare when it comes to defining infertility and seeking treatment. Among the most notable examples are the reluctance to conduct a sperm test for men in India and the lack of equal blame on both partners for the diagnosis of infertility. Because of societal norms, women do not feel free to discuss health-related issues.
However, the situation has changed. Working women in the 21st century face a unique obstacle. They must demonstrate their efficiency both during the day as productive employees at their workplace and at home after hours. Due to Gender discrimination in Indian healthcare, more and more women are experiencing declining health and developing a variety of lifestyle diseases.
Gender discrimination in Indian healthcare for sexual and reproductive health is widespread and deeply ingrained in the system from birth. There was a significant gap in the number of adolescent boys and girls who sought treatment in a survey that was conducted in 2021 among 12K of them: Only one in four girls and two in three boys sought treatment.
Femtech has revolutionized the way women’s health issues have traditionally been viewed by providing applications to detect risk or track a condition and by spreading awareness about health-related issues through healthcare articles.
Femtech makes a difference by empowering women to talk about their health, understand their bodies, and connect with others. Maintaining privacy and accuracy while charging competitive prices is a crucial aspect of running a business in this sector.
Advances in women’s health thanks to femtech in Indian healthcare
Women’s health and hygiene have always been taboo subjects in India. Even though there has been a significant improvement over the years, the overall state of women’s health in Indian healthcare is still negatively impacted by people’s constant reluctance to discuss these issues in public.
Femtech in Indian healthcare is leading the change in the dynamics of women’s health and triggering previously taboo conversations about Indian women’s health issues. Femtech is slowly becoming mainstream in Indian healthcare.
We now have technology that can assist women in recognizing the early symptoms of conditions such as PCOS, diabetes, infertility, breast cancer, cardiovascular disease, and others.Women are much better informed about their health issues and how to manage them thanks to digitalization and technological advancements.
Women are the primary healthcare decision-makers for their families as well as consumers of the services and products aimed at them. In fact, even friends and extended families look to educated and empowered women for advice on healthcare issues. As a result, community life quality will eventually improve as a result of the development of Femtech solutions that improve women’s quality of life and deliver superior outcomes.